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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Math for Elementary Teachers I 1510


Where would we be in this world without estimation? About this much, about this far, almost, close to and so on. I would be lost! And I think that students would also be missing something if they are not taught estimation and how or when to use it and how it helps.

There are so many different benefits of estimation. Lets start with the simple ability to quickly add up or subtract a group of numbers for fast results; an example would be at the grocery store and trying to figure out your total, or how much change you will have.

I cannot imagine not having this skill, I'm pretty sure it is something I use on a daily basis. It isn't only helpful when I am grocery shopping, or giving directions but also when trying to figure out an array of other things. When students are learning to add it can help them come up with the answer faster than figuring out exact figures. They can estimate, then if needed go back and figure out the exact answer and see how close their results were. It is a great learning process and tool.

If you have difficulties estimating here is a helpful site: 

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